Writing and Editing Experience
I specialize in writing and editing for tabletop roleplaying games and non-fiction history. I am available for freelance work, please contact me via the Contact Me page or on one of my social media accounts to discuss rates.
Developmental Editor:
Dr. Grordbort’s Scientific Adventure Violence by Crowbar Creative, published by Exalted Funeral
Copy Editor:
Star Trek Adventures (various projects) by Modiphius Entertainment
Silverplate: A Tasty Campaign Setting for 5E by Dream Realm Storytellers
Airfix Battles by Modiphius Entertainment
Dune: Fall of the Imperium by Modiphius Entertainment
Dreams and Machines: Campaign Book - Echoes of an Ancient Enemy by Modiphius Entertainment
Discworld Quickstart Guide by Modiphius Entertainment
Inferno: Guelphs and Ghibellines vie for Tuscany by GMT Games
Plantagenet: Cousin’s War for England by GMT Games
A Gest of Robin Hood by GMT Games
The Medieval Crossbow: A Weapon Fit to Kill a King from Pen and Sword Books
Castillon: The Last Battle of the Hundred Years War from Pen and Sword Books (Forthcoming)
It’s Going to be a Scorcher, adventure for Holler from Pinnacle Entertainment (Forthcoming)
“Origins of the Wars of the Roses” in Special Ops: The Wargaming Journal vol. 12 (Multi-Man Publishing, 2024)
Roleplaying the Armagnac-Burgundian Civil War an OSR compatible campaign setting for Knock Magazine (Forthcoming)
“It Really Happened”, a series of thirteen short essays on Warring States China for the crowdfunding campaign for Huang from Phalanx Games.
Historical consultant for A Gest of Robin Hood and Inferno: Guelphs and Ghibellines vie for Tuscany from GMT Games