Episode 13 and we’ve finally reached the end of 1862! Honestly, this took us much longer than I initially planned but I think the longer journey was worth it. For this episode we played John Prados’ Army of the Heartland, his fascinating and slightly messy take on operational Civil War logistics. We both ended up liking it far more than we expected. You can listen to it on either Spotify or YouTube, I hope you enjoy!
WItMoYW ep. 11 - Glory III by Richard Berg
We’re Back to Berg baby! After a mixed experience crossing the mountains, the boys are trying one of Berg’s takes on Antietam, arguably the most influential battle of the American Civil War. Originally published in 1995, the same year as the first GMT edition of Three Days of Gettysburg which would spawn the modern era of GBACW, and substantially revised in 2002, Glory is a light hex and counter from one of our favorite designers. Will we like it more than GBACW? You can probably already guess!
WItMoYW ep. 10 - Fire on the Mountain by John Poniske
This episode Pierre and I branch out into the Maryland Campaign, with John Poniske’s take on the Battle of South Mountain, published by Legion Wargames. This is a hex and counter tactical game with a beautiful Rick Barber map and unusual rectangle unit counters. We liked but did not love it, and had some thoughts on some last minute errata that was introduced post-publication. I hope you enjoy it!
We Intend to Move on Your Works ep. 9: GCACW
For episode nine of We Intend to Move on Your Works Pierre and I dive deep into Great Campaigns of the American Civil War with Stonewall Jackson’s Way II. We have a lot of thoughts in this one, I hope you enjoy listening to them as much as we did recording them!
Podcast: Shiloh: April Glory by Tom Dalgliesh and Grant Dalgliesh
In the final episode of season one of We Intend to Move on Your Works, Pierre and I finish our journey through Shiloh’s woods by discussing Shiloh: April Glory from Columbia Games. This is another classic Columbia Block game, similar to their game Shenandoah that we covered on episode two of the podcast. How did we like it compared to Shenandoah and the other Shiloh games we played? Listen on to find out!
We Intend to Move on Your Works Episode 6: Longstreet Attacks
Apologies for the delay - we started playing Longstreet Attacks back in July to mark the 160th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg, which is why this game breaks our chronology, but the game took longer than expected and then the editing took even longer than that. Thankfully this episode is a good one, so hopefully that makes up for the delay, and we aim to have the next one with you much sooner!
Podcast: Discussing the Lost Cause with Beyond Solitaire
I was lucky enough to be invited to appear on Dr. Liz “Beyond Solitaire” Davidson’s podcast a few weeks back. We discussed my ongoing project on the Lost Cause in historical wargaming as well as a range of subjects, including why we are drawn to difficult subjects and why we might want to play and write about games we know that we won’t actually enjoy playing. It was a great discussion and I think provides some excellent context to the We Intend to Move on Your Works project. You can listen to the podcast via all main podcast distributors or you can watch it on YouTube below:
Podcast: Seven Pines; or, Fair Oaks by Amabel Holland
For episode four of ongoing podcast series We Intend to Move on Your Works, I am once again joined by Alexandre and Pierre as we discuss Amabel Holland’s interesting hex and counter take on the battle alternatively known as Seven Pines or Fair Oaks Station. This was a great discussion and well worth your time!