Initially, South Mountain wasn’t a topic that captured my imagination – McClellan’s somewhat underwhelming victory that precedes Antietam doesn’t exactly get my blood boiling. Last year I played John Poniske’s Fire on the Mountain, on this very battle, and while that game ultimately left me underwhelmed it generated a potential interest in its subject. To confirm that suspicion I turned to Blind Swords, one of my favorite hex and counter systems, and its treatment of South Mountain, designed by Steve Carey and published in 2022. A Greater Victory is an excellent addition to the Blind Swords system – there were even times when I thought it might have secured the position of my favorite entry, but I’m still not sure it has claimed that honor just yet. Nevertheless, it is an excellent game that gave me new insight into aspects of Blind Swords that I hadn’t fully appreciated before.
Most Anticipated Games: 2025 Edition
It’s almost Lunar New Year (shout out to fellow Year of the Snake people), so what better time to take a moment and look to the year ahead? Last year I did a most anticipated games list, and since it was pretty good fun, I decided to do it again! First, though, I want to reflect for a moment on last year’s list and see how I did both in terms of predicting what came out and what I managed to play.